On 5/30/2013 04:27, Achim Gratz wrote:
Yaakov (Cygwin/X <yselkowitz <at> users.sourceforge.net> writes:
This was working properly with my x64 package, as well as with
a self-built 3.7.17. I don't know if it's a question of configuration
options or a bug in that version. Here's how I have built sqlite3:
You are defining "SQLITE_OS_UNIX" which introduces known interoperability
problems with accesses from the windows side.
Thoroughly explained here:
I don't see a way out of this trap, where either native Windows loses
out to Cygwin or vice versa, until Cygwin provides some way to request
mandatory locks on a per-process or per-subtree basis.
My only choice until then is which constituency to annoy. Currently,
I'm choosing to annoy the smaller of the two.
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