On May 29 12:40, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> On 29 May 2013 11:23, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > On May 29 10:33, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> >> On 29 May 2013 04:39, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >> > To workaround that, you can either add yourself to the "Create symbolic
> >> > links" right, or you can add the "Users" group if you want to allow
> >> > every user to create symlinks.  But this requires changing it on all
> >> > machines manually, so alternatively you can create a domain policy which
> >> > adds the trusted users to this user right on all machines.
> >>
> >> I tried this approach and I'm still not having any luck with the user
> >> being able to create native symbolic links in a non-elevated shell.
> >
> > What approach?  Adding the Users group to the Local Security Policy or
> > adding a domain policy?  If the latter, did you call gpupdate on the
> > client or reboot the client machine to propagate the domain policy?
> I've added the specific domain user in the Local Security Policy as I
> am not a domain admin (only an admin on the local machine) and as such
> cannot propagate a domain policy change.
> > Also, either way, did you logoff and logon so that the "Create symbolic
> > links" user right can be added to your user token?  Note that your token
> > remains unchanged if you didn't exit from your session.  Just changing
> > the Policy isn't enough, the OS needs achance to create a new user token
> > for you containing the user right.
> I've rebooted the machine since making the change and it has had no
> affect.  Is there something else I need to do?
I don't know.  I have to try (but not today).  Did you try to add the
"Users" group to the Local Security Policy entry instead?


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