On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:59 AM, Fedin Pavel wrote:
>  At the other hand, IMHO, Windows .bat scripts are never run from wihin bash, 
> and vice versa, UNIX .sh scripts are never run from within cmd.exe...

I do this.

Create a null (native, i.e. non-cygwin) program named #! and put it in
PATH.  Then my scripts can do

#!/cmd /c

:: Dos batch commands

>  And following the same logic we would need to teach our find.exe (already 
> mentioned on this list) to understand Windows options instead of UNIX 
> options...

I think that would be a no go from the get go.

>  Even further, in terminal case, why have Cygwin at all ? It is different 
> from Windows command line and this is confusing...

Oh, now I read the sarcasm. :/

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