On 14 May 2013 15:26, Warren Young wrote:
> On 5/14/2013 07:28, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:
>> I'm looking through the docs, but I can't find a comprehensive list of
>> which executables come with Cygwin by default.
> It changes from time to time.  The basic rule is, "whatever is in the Base
> category" in the package repository.
> At the moment, that's these packages:
>     alternatives, base-cygwin, base-files, bash, coreutils, cygwin,
>     cygwin-docs, dash, editrights, file, findutils, gawk, grep, gzip,
>     ipc-utils, libgcc1, libreadline7, login, man, mintty, rebase, run,
>     sed, tar, terminfo, tzcode, vim-minimal, which, zlib0

I think there are additional ones that get pulled in as dependencies
of the Base packages. One that I'm aware of is cygutils, which is
pulled in by cygwin-docs.


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