On Wed, May 08, 2013 at 04:47:46PM -0400, Ryan Johnson wrote:
>On 08/05/2013 2:36 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 04:22:23PM -0400, Ryan Johnson wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Running the attached STC inside gdb hangs (zero CPU util, have to kill
>>> gdb from Task Manager, killing a.exe doesn't cut it).
>>> Compile line used: g++ -Wall -g -mthreads -DBUG bug.cpp
>>> I currently have the following package versions:
>>> cygwin-1.7.18(0.263/5/3) 2013-04-19
>>> mintty-1.1.3-1
>>> gdb-7.6.50-1
>>> gcc-4.5.3-3
>>> The problem seems to be related to threads calling fprintf inside gdb,
>>> it runs fine from the command line, or with printf instead; both fprintf
>>> and printf sometimes trigger "warning: SuspendThread failed. (winerr 6)"
>>> (not sure if that matters).
>>> Known issue? Easy workaround? New bug?
>> Known, long-standing issue.  I put a workaround in the latest snapshot.
>Hmm. The STC still hangs about 25% of the time (down from ~100%), so 
>things are improved but not fixed.

Ok.  Then I'll go with "long standing issue" then.  I've mentioned the
problem with outputting lots os stuff to a pty here many times.


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