On 23 April 2013 18:32, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>Similar happens when doing:
>>cat /bin/gdb.exe
>>for example. Something seems to overflow.

I can reproduce that one.

'ps' output shows that 'cat' and 'mintty' are both waiting for output
to finish, i.e. they're deadlocked waiting for each other's output to
be read.

O    8276    6764    8276       3860  pty0    1004 20:52:17 /usr/bin/cat
O    3448       1    3448       3448  ?       1004 20:34:15 /usr/bin/mintty

> It's a long-standing problem for which there is no easy fix.

Yep. This situation also happens if you hit a key that sends something
during an ongoing cat command. I think what's happening in this
particular case is that the gdb binary contains some control sequence
that triggers a response to be sent by the terminal, thus triggering
this issue in Cygwin's pty implementation.

> For now "Just don't do that".

Quite. Or just kill the cat.


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