On Apr 23 01:52, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:
> Hello,
> Just wanted to share that while installing Cygwin64 on a clean PC, setup 
> threw me the following postinstall errors:
> 2013/04/22 21:38:33 running: C:\Cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile 
> "/etc/postinstall/bash.sh"
> ln: failed to create symbolic link `/dev/stdin': Read-only file system
> ln: failed to create symbolic link `/dev/stdout': Read-only file system
> ln: failed to create symbolic link `/dev/stderr': Read-only file system
> ln: failed to create symbolic link `/dev/fd': Read-only file system
> 2013/04/22 21:38:33 abnormal exit: exit code=1

/dev is a bastard directory.  If it not exists on the filesystem, it is
faked within Cygwin, but then it is a read-only filesystem.  If it exists
on the filesystem, the device entries are faked by Cygwin, but you can
also add your own entries in /dev.

The above happens when /dev doesn't exist on the filesystem.  I didn't
get this error in my three test installations.  Usually /dev is generated
by the 000-cygwin-post-install.sh postinstall script, since it also
has to create the /dev/smh and /dev/mqueue subdirs.  I don't know why
it failed for you, though.


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