On Apr  8 13:53, Gregory M. Turner wrote:
> On 4/8/2013 2:38 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >On Apr  8 10:10, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>On Apr  7 13:53, Gregory M. Turner wrote:
> >>>On my cygwin64, all bash process substitutions fail:
> >>>
> >>>$ ls -l <(echo foo)
> >>>lrwxrwxrwx 1 greg None 0 Apr  7 13:20 /dev/fd/63 -> pipe:[656]
> >>>
> >>>$ cat <(echo foo)
> >>>cat: /dev/fd/63: No such file or directory
> >>>
> >>>Here's an strace: http://pastebin.com/KS9766Vv
> >>>
> >>>Anyone know what's going on?  I don't have a cygwin64 kernel/libc
> >>>build tree, yet, but, if this merits further investigation, I
> >>>suppose it's as good an excuse as any to build one, as this is
> >>>messing up my play-time.
> >>Confirmed.  Looks like a bug in bash or (more likely) 64 bit Cygwin.
> >>I'm going to fix a problem reported on the cygwin-apps list first, but
> >>I'll have a look into this later this week.
> >>
> >>Of course I'd appreciate if you look into this, too.  Many problems
> >>found in the 64 bit version during the last couple of weeks are based
> >>on sloppy datatype handling, so I guess this is another one of them.
> >I looked into this first, accidentally.  This should be fixed in CVS
> >I'll upload a new 64 bit Cygwin DLL later today.
> >
> >
> >Thanks again for the report,
> No, thank you for the fix!
> If I may hijack my own thread a bit: I tried a cygwin64 core build
> but things didn't go great.
> Is bootstrap.sh on *-*-linux-gnu still the best way to roll your own
> cygwin64? 

No, not really.  You can do that, and I still use the Linux cross
compiler to build Cygwin, but we don't really *have* to bootstrap

> My attempts to cross the cygwin64 cygport on cygwin32
> resulted in tons of fussy problems centered around dlmalloc.c (I
> also had to kludge around some Makefile problems).

Dunno about that, but it sounds weird.  For one thing, we don't have
the 32->64 bit cross compiler yet, so you would have to bootstrap
on 32 bit Cygwin.  The other problem is that the 32 bit cygport isn't
up to the task yet.

If you want to build 64 bit Cygwin outside of Linux, just install
64 bit Cygwin including gcc, cygport, make, etc,. etc.  Run your
shell, extrace the cygport file from the 64 bit Cygwin source package
and call

  $ cygport cygwin.cygport download prep compile install package


  $ cygport cygwin.cygport download allmostall

That should do it.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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