Yes, that bugs my for quite some time too, is -h for halt or
hibernate? Now the -s is the same as the Windows shutdown.exe. The
changes are really straight forward. -b could be the new short option
for hibernate, doesn't interfere with the main linux shutdown options
or the windows shutdown. Leaving -s as it is for backward/windows
compatibility reasons and adding -h, --halt for shutdown and -P,
--poweroff. But then, having three options that actually don't do
anything, just for the sake of compatibility? EWX_POWEROFF is the
default action already. That's why I left those shutdown options as
they are. But I gladly write the patch if nobody has objections
against changing -h.

I thought about it for a while myself before posting but I concluded your choice was a good one: the usefulness of -h for hibernate probably outweighed the benefits of retaining compatibility with a more traditional (BSD) Unix shutdown. I checked to see if POSIX had anything specified but it's not concerned with the shutdown command.

Having thought about it bit more, I'd like to suggest an upper case -H as the option for hibernate.

Keep up the good work,

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