On 2/6/2013 4:52 AM, jeremycraven wrote:

I did not change anything in the "Publishing" section, so all were at
default, unless one of my other choices chnaged them due to dependencies

Nothing from TeX Live is installed by default. So everything you installed came from dependencies.

(see end of this post as well). Elsewhere as far as I remember I added all
of X11, python, and editors, rxvt , tcsh shell, and Imagemagick. Of those
the only mildly suspicious one is the tex wysiwyg editor.

I assume you're talking about lyx. Take a look at the setup.ini file in your Cygwin download directory, and you'll see that lyx requires quite a few texlive-collection-* packages. It probably shouldn't require so many, but this was a decision made by the lyx maintainer (who just resigned as maintainer).

I seem to have ended up with your "standard" install (according to the
texlive advice that you pointed me to) when I look at the things in
publishing marked "KEEP" and referring to "texlive" (e.g. have the
...latexrecommended one). (Is there any other way to know what non standard
items one chose in the future?).

After you select packages and click "Next", setup.exe will pop up a dialogue box warning you if there are dependencies that you need to install. For each one, it will tell you which package(s) it depends on.

The key timings in the full log file are:
13:23 started whole process
15:00 postinstall started
15:12-15:56 texlive things
16:08-16:56 more texlive things
17:00 finished

so I make it 90 mins out of 210 mins were texlive.

Maybe that is as it should be, but is this what would happen if I had not
touched the "default" install settings?

No, it would have been much faster. For one thing, you wouldn't have installed anything from TeX Live.

I think like others, I nearly lost faith that my computer was still working
- it was only because I knew cygwin was so valuable to me that I persevered.
In a first time try I might well have given up.

A user installing Cygwin for the first time would be well advised to start by accepting all the defaults.

(The upside of this is I can try and see if this latex install copes on a
file someone sent me where my ubuntu one failed!)

I notice the following lines near the top of the log files:

2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive: Selecting version
20120628-1 for installation.
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive-collection-basic:
Selecting version 20120628-2 for installation.
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency
texlive-collection-documentation-base: Selecting version 20120628-1 for
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency
texlive-collection-fontsextra: Selecting version 20120628-1 for
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended: Selecting version 20120628-1 for
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive-collection-fontutils:
Selecting version 20120628-1 for installation.
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency
texlive-collection-genericrecommended: Selecting version 20120628-1 for
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive-collection-htmlxml:
Selecting version 20120628-1 for installation.
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive-collection-latex:
Selecting version 20120628-1 for installation.
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency
texlive-collection-latexextra: Selecting version 20120628-1 for
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency
texlive-collection-latexrecommended: Selecting version 20120628-1 for
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive-collection-pictures:
Selecting version 20120628-1 for installation.
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive-collection-science:
Selecting version 20120628-1 for installation.
2013/02/05 13:27:23 Adding required dependency texlive-collection-texinfo:
Selecting version 20120628-1 for installation.

I don't know if that indicates extra dependencies beyond the default, and if
so I wonder what triggered them.

Most or all of these were triggered by lyx.

I can send you the log files if you suggest where best to send them.

I don't need to see them unless there are error messages involving texlive postinstall scripts.


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