On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 06:08:46PM -0500, Tom Honermann wrote:
>On 12/21/2012 05:23 PM, marco atzeri wrote:
>> On 12/21/2012 8:36 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>> I tested this lightly on Windows 7 and 32-bit XP but it would be nice to
>>> hear if multi-threaded things like X work on other platforms too.
>>> If you test a snapshot, note that I'm still tracking down Ken Brown's
>>> reporte emacs regression in recent snapshots so that will still be
>>> broken.
>>> cgf
>> I think the Xserver doesn't like it.
>> on 20121221 it freezes on start on W7/64
>> no issue on 20121218
>I was worried about this possibility after looking at the code changes. 
>  But, I haven't had to a chance to test adequately yet.  I would expect 
>indefinite blocking in dll_entry() may prevent unloading DLLs.  For 
>example, calls to dll_entry() for DLL_PROCESS_DETACH may get blocked.

You're looking at the wrong changes.


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