On Dec 14 16:23, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:
> > http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2012-12/msg00154.html
> Thanks.
> > I'm wondering if it's such a bright idea to use a NULL password based on
> > a check for a certain domain.  That's practically guaranteed to break
> > at one point again.
> I don’t think Microsoft is going to drop "NT SERVICE\" in any near future
> (they've just had the feature introduced!).  This is the only domain that
> needs to be treated specially (for now).

That's not how I understand the documentation:

Virtual accounts use the NT SERVICE domain, but managed accounts 
seem to be subsumed under your normal AD domain name.

> > !pass || pass[0] == '\0'
> MSDN says that password-less accounts must provide an empty string
> (and it does not mention NULL).  More cumbersome logic can involve
> checking for both the special domain and empty/NULL password (as above),
> resulting in NULL lpPassword only when both checks have been met.
> > what about something like `-w NULL'?
> I would not vote for this.  This precludes that the string "NULL" cannot
> be used as an otherwise regular password.

Apart from the fact that NULL is a terrible password, I'd still be more
comfortable to allow a NULL password as a user defined option on the
command line.  If not -W NULL, what about '-w -' or a long-only option
like --null-pwd?


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