Csaba Raduly <rcs...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Burton,
> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Burton Samograd  wrote:
>> bartels  <bartels@......>  writes:
> http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PCYMTNQREAIYR
>>>> Is there way to specify to svn on the command line or though a config
>>>> file that these types of files should automatically have executable
>>>> permissions?
>>> svn propset svn:executable "*"<your file>
>> Any idea why this has to be done with the command line version of svn
>> and not with Tortoise?
> You asked about  "svn on the command line", nobody mentioned Tortoise
> (which isn't a Cygwin program anyway).

Yes, I did ask about svn on the command line, which is where I am having
the problem. I also asked about Tortise SVN beacuse Tortise does not
have the problem of not setting the executable bits with an identical
configuration when updating from the same repositories; ie. it doesn't
require any special configuration to set executable bits on the
mentioned file types.  And i know that Tortise is not a Cygwin program
and I don't like using it, but it doesn't have this problem, so I asked

> Try this:
> http://www.latenightpc.com/pictures/view/screenshots/tortoise-svn-executable-property.png.html

Connection time out.  Also, I have a stock Tortise with no special 

> You can also try to put the following in ~/.subversion/config (note: not 
> tested)
> [auto-props]
> *.exe = svn:executable=*
> After this, all newly added exe files should automagically have the
> svn:executable property.

Thanks for the tip.

Buirton Samograd

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