On 2012-10-11, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

> I have just released cygport-0.11.1 for the Cygwin distribution and the 
> Fedora Cygwin repository.  New in this release:
> * Spec-style .cygport files
> Filename constraints do not apply if NAME, VERSION, and RELEASE are
> defined.

That's great news (user feedback)! I just make my first .cygport file and
surprised by policy on .cygport file names.

I worry about maintaining clean VCS history of project and renaming files just
for version update seems wrong practice in VCS. It is possible to workaround
this issue be generating .cygport file during build process. But now I just
place 'PACKAGE.cygport' into my source code tree.

> These variables are intended to replace PN/PV/PR.
What does that mean? PN/PV/PR removed in future releases?

Best regards!

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