On 10/25/2012 12:54 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 09:01:40 -0600
From: Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com>

On 10/25/2012 08:55 AM, Ryan Johnson wrote:

I imagine it will be fixed before the release of Emacs 24.3.
Agree the initial part is emacs. But I suspect the confused bash
business is not. ^G should either send SIGINT or not, this core dump
thing is not cool.
Do you know whether this is Cygwin-specific?  Have you checked to see
what happens on Linux?
Oops, you're right: I see the exact same behavior on linux. However,
that's via ssh in a mintty window, so it could still be mintty. Can
somebody running Linux directly verify, perhaps?
Linux (at least my setup on Fedora 17) has the same problem - when using
emacs as the editor under 'git commit', an ill-timed ctrl-G on my part
unceremoniously kills emacs as a result of sending the SIGINT to the
entire process group.  I hate the behavior, but it is definitely not
Why doesn't git block SIGINT when it invokes $EDITOR?  I think that's
the prudent thing to do.

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the simplest solution: change to vim.
I don't know of any extra benefit using emacs instead of vim...

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