On 10/19/2012 5:56 PM, chesschi wrote:
I am new to this forum....

Marco, Thank you for your reply. I am sorry I replied you directly because I
saw you did not post your solution to the forum but the message go
straightly to my email......

sorry, my fault. (PS: it is mailing list not a forum)

By the way... my flash drive is an embedded drive 512MB like a small compact
flash and it needs an adapter to connect to the USB port. The filesystem is

Also, I found that after using "dd" to copy the image to the flash drive,
the flash drive is still emtpy (I cannot see anything from the Windows
Explorer). But if I eject the flash drive and connect it back, I can saw the

Any idea how to solve the problem?

it seems really that windows need to re-read the filesystem status.

eventually you can try sysinternals sync


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