On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Aharon Robbins wrote:
> Hi. Just a note to say "THANK YOU" to everyone who took the time to
> reply to me.  I hope that a blanket thanks will do. :-)
> I've come to the conclusion that it is indeed BLODA. The box in
> question is my Corporate IT Laptop With All The Mandated Software and
> I can't disable anti-virus or any of the other stuff (like the automatic
> screensaver) lest the sky fall and cats start mating with dogs and so on.

Are you at least able to add to the exclude list in the anti-virus
software?  My corporation at least allows me to do that since I'm in

> However, on a different Windows box without all the stuff a fresh install
> runs much more normally, so I will just use that for my testing.
> (36 *minutes* for 'make check' !!!  Sheesh.)

I expect this to be a result of the anti-virus trying to check each
file that is created.  It gets most of the CPU time and slows down the

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