On 8/27/2012 8:01 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:
On 27/08/2012 7:29 AM, Earnie Boyd wrote:
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 12:38 AM, K Stahl wrote:
[snip snip snip]
[snip snip snip]
[snip snip snip]

Back on topic, I can't repro using text or binary (executable)
files, which makes me wonder whether the issue is the constant
appending the OP mentioned. Perhaps gzip reads twice from the
growing log file in a way that confuses it, and bzip2 doesn't?
Perhaps there's some weirdness with atimes that makes gzip think
the file is unchanged when it actually has grown?

Same for me on text and binary files. I think OP should test non-updated text and binary files, that would certainly help to prove or disprove some theories.

Also failed to create a corrupted gzip file by manually appending from another terminal during compression. After all, gzip is reading from stdin only what it gets from cat, and gzip has been handling stdin/stdout since forever. Sounds simple enough...

OP gave (reproduced as follows):
> To trim a log file on my windows box I tried the lines
> below in a bash script. (my bash is 4.1.10(4))

cat "$LOG" | gzip > "$LOG.old.gz"
> "$LOG"

What was the error message reported by gzip for the corrupted file? gzip has a very simple file structure, if OP can share a corrupt file, it should be pretty easy to learn exactly what aspect of the gzip file is broken.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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