Dear CYGWIN, Upgraded to 1.7.16-1 from 1.7.14-1
Seemed to be ok. But after some while using noticed ssh processes died suddenly - all attempts to start new ones fail. Noticed sshd crashed and refused to start with errors: Here is an extract of sshd.log (from the top): c:\cygwin\tmp>type ..\var\log\sshd.log assertion "i == 0" failed: file "/home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.16/cygwin-1 .7.16-1/src/src/winsup/cygwin/", line 319, function: void pinfo::init(pi d_t, DWORD, void*) assertion "i == 0" failed: file "/home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.16/cygwin-1 .7.16-1/src/src/winsup/cygwin/", line 319, function: void pinfo::init(pi d_t, DWORD, void*) Stack trace: Frame Function Args 00289154 76B71194 (00000548, 0000EA60, 00000000, 00289288) 00289168 76B71148 (00000548, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 00289264) 00289288 610DBE29 (00000000, 7754E231, 00000544, FFFFFFFF) 00289378 610D915E (00000000, 35364132, 36444546, 00020021) 002893D8 610D962E (77DDE36C, 77DDE0D2, 002894B8, 00000006) 00289488 610D9780 (000017E4, 00000006, 00895868, 611E65C0) 002894A8 610D97AC (00000006, 0028CE80, 00895870, 611E5BB0) 002894D8 610D9A85 (611A1084, 611E5C46, 611E5BB0, 0000013F) 00289538 610014D0 (611E5BB0, 0000013F, 611E65C0, 611E5C46) 002899C8 610AE164 (00000544, 00000000, 00000550, 00000001) 00289E48 610B0B14 (00289EA8, 00000000, 77DCF911, 74F6206F) 00289E68 610B1104 (00289EA8, 00000000, 01132188, 00289F04) 00289ED8 610D9300 (00003184, 00289F4C, 00000001, 00000000) 00289F38 610D970E (0028A0D8, 00289F58, 76B71148, 0000001C) 00289FE8 610D97EA (FFFFCE7C, 0000001C, 0028A084, 0042BC2E) 0028A068 6106EE5F (00000006, 00005402, 0028A084, 8003DC94) End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present) I attach cygcheck.out: Any help you can give will be much appreciated Leon.
Description: cygcheck.out
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