On Aug 17 02:56, Cliff Hones wrote:
> I am seeing the following when invoking a utility which uses libusb to
> drive a USB JTAG interface dongle:
>   Potential BLODA detected!  Thread function called outside of Cygwin DLL:
>     C:\cygwin1.7\bin\cygusb-1.0.dll
> I've had CYGWIN=detect_bloda set for some time (months), and the
> utility (developed locally) has never triggered this before, so
> I think a recent Cygwin update has triggered this. (Note cygusb
> has not changed since last year.)
> I'll happily submit full cygcheck details if that would prove useful -
> the relevant details (AFAICS) are:

I have no problems with occassional false postives.  The detect_bloda
option is meant for diagnostic purposes only.  It's not meant to used
all the time.  It slows down *every* thread start up!


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