Hi Folks, I've scanned months of the mailing list archives for an answers and searched until I've run out of ideas.
What I want to figure out is this. When I run bash --login -i in an elevated command prompt, or I use "elevate bash --login -i" or any other variation, I don't get any sign of being root or having privileges. But, I can invoke privileged operations and use chmod, chown, etc. on files and read, write,delete in Administrator only directories from bash. These are places you can only change in a raised privilege state. My /etc/passwd and /etc/group have been automatically created and updated to have user "root" connected to the S-1-5-32-544 sid as I think I saw in one of the guides. My local administrator account has the username "admin". Problems 1) Example, "id" still shows my normal userid and default group of '"none" even though I am a member of root's (Administrators) group. None of the scripts that check for administrator level seem to work. Am i doing it wrong? 2) I can't ssh into the box as "root" because there is no group password in Windows 7. Should there be a way to assign own? 3) If I use the local administrators account, none of the files or directories has "root" as user or group. But shouldn't they? 4) There is no newgrp command so I can't join any of my other assigned groups. So, "umask" doesn't do as I want. If there a better way to change to the root group? 5) When I ran sshd-host-config I get a slew of warnings about not being able to do that (on both .\Administrator and on elevated normal login). However, the service is created and the users cyg_server and sshd are as well with the proper groups and privileges. Howver, it fails to set the owner or access rights on /etc/ssh* or /var/log/sshd or /var/log/lastlog. What is the proper way to have done this on WIndows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit Service Pack I? 6) Cygwin is a great package and works better than SFU/SUA which I also have installed. Is there any way I can help make the security stuff more unixy? Thanks in advance for any answers or replies. -- Lord Laraby -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple