
I am running Cygwin 1.7 under Windows 7 64 bits for some time without problems, 
except it is sometimes slow when performing tab completion.

But after I upgraded to Cygwin 1.7.16, no more Cygwin tool is working 
correctly. Even simple commands such as ls, uname, dirname, or bash -version 
return nothing or crash with segmentation fault. I tried using the setup to 
downgrade to Cygwin 1.7.15 without success. I tried reinstalling Cygwin 
completely and got the 1.7.16 again, without any change. I then tried 
downgrading to Cygwin 1.7.9 from an old tar.bz2 file I had. I got a bit more 
success, but dirname was returning nothing at all. I tried running as an 
Administrator, tried Windows XP compatibility mode: no change. I tried a 1.7.17 
snapshot Cygwin DLL: no change. Any search on Google or mailing list archives 
give completely off-topic segmentation faults about programs compiled with GCC, 
but I am not compiling anything, just running precompiled tools. Even if I 
reinstall Cygwin, I will get the new 1.7.16 DLL and that will crash again. It 
seems I will really have to try this in a Windows XP virtual machine, but that 
is a lot of work for something that was working correctly before. I don't have 
any old downloaded Cygwin files I could use to reinstall a complete old stack 
so I am quite stuck.

Thanks in advance.

Eric Buist, Ph.D
Research Engineer | Natural Language Understanding
Nuance Communications, Inc.
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