On 7 August 2012 16:57, marco atzeri wrote:
> On 8/7/2012 5:08 PM, AngusC wrote:
>> If I use the command:
>> grep -nH -r "my pattern" *.*
>> I get results back as expected
>> But if the file pattern is like this:
>> grep -nH -r "my pattern" *.log
>> I get no results back (Even though I have a ton of files with this pattern
>> with .log file extension).
>> Am I doing something wrong?
> in the second case the "-r" is looking for *.log
> file or directories and I guess the directory does not match.
> Try
> find . -name "*.log" -exec grep -nH "my pattern" \{\} \;

Or have a look at grep's --include option.


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