On Jul 19 22:38, SPC wrote:
> Hello. I'm a Cygwin lists subscriber (with some problems from time to
> time to send mails but this is another story).
> The message about outdated FAQs of yesterday let me think in the
> general lack of translations of Unix-like-items documentation to
> spanish language.
> Exists something traslated under Cygwin to Spanish ? Some kind of team
> doing it ?
> In negative case I could dedicate some time to this project, including
> translations inside source code.

I hope you mean the documentation sources.  I'm not fluent in spanish
and converting my english comments in the Cygwin sources to spanish
would left me a bit puzzled :)

The documentation is written by the developers.  There's no doc team nor
a translation team, given that we have only a tiny number of contributors
to the Cygwin package codebase.  If you're interested in providing a
spanish translation of the docs or the FAQs, we can certainly arrange a
side project for translations in CVS, and the necessary web space to
publish them.

If you're interested, we could discuss the howto in the cygwin-apps
mailing list.

Btw., the same goes for anybody who would like to provide translations
in any other language, naturally.  I would just like to ask that you
make sure you mean that seriously and don't drop off right at the next


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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