On 19/07/2012 22:30, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 7/19/2012 4:15 PM, Aaron Schneider wrote:
On 19/07/2012 22:00, K Stahl wrote:

I couldn't find any version of urxvt on cygwin's release mirror, so, no
packages to start from.


Furthermore, for what you are looking for, isn't
rxvt pretty much the same?


Pretty much, minus the unicode support and some other niceties mentioned
in the message you quoted above.  Of course, stepping back to rxvt puts you
in the realm of dead code.  So if bit-rot is OK with you... ;-)

It results that the package is named rxvt-unicode-X-9.07-1.tar.bz2 but in the end install binaries that are named urxvt:


and all of them were compiled on Jan 2010. The non unicode is even older, so probably everything is broken. I get also the "Bad address" or "unable to connect to the rxvt-unicode daemon: No such file or directory" errors.

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