On Jul 18 22:35, cyg...@kosowsky.org wrote:
> I just tried to set up cygwin on my new corporate pc (I have admin
> privileges on the machine but not on the overall corporate network).
> I keep getting the infamous 'Your group is currently "mkpasswd"' every
> time I open a new terminal.
> Since this is a domain, I first tried "mpasswd -l -d >| /etc/passwd"
> but the domain lookup seemed to hang forever (after first generating
> the local group portion). Note that "mkgroup -l -d >| /etc/group
> worked but was slow.
> I then tried "mkpasswd -l -c >| /etc/passwd" followed by "mkgroup -l
> -c >| /etc/group"
> But I still got the same 'mkpasswd' error message and indeed running
> groups just returned 'mkpasswd' and running 'id -a' returned:
>          uid=400(MYUSERNAME) gid=401(mkpasswd) groups=401(mkpasswd)
> I have never had this problem before on non-domain PC's.
> Any thoughts on what I need to do to fix this?

Did you try the -d option?


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