> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 02:14
> Subject: Re: best way to re-install and keep cygwin configuration
> So I will just tar up the cygwin directory and put it back after the new
install. If
> I download a new copy of setup.exe and point it at the install directory,
will it
> figure out what packages are already installed? 

Yes.  The list of packages is in /etc/setup/installed.db, as best I can
tell.  Other setup information is in there as well.

> Is there any
> reason to not re-use my current version of setup.exe, minus that setup
> cache? I think it is pretty recent.

It might still be out of date.  Who knows.  I always use the latest setup
version when upgrading my Cygwin packages; I don't even keep a local copy of

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