----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Faylor"

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 01:39:41AM +0100, Steven Hartland wrote:
From: "Aaron Schneider"
$ touch myfile myfile.exe

$ tar -cvf mytar.tar myfile.exe myfile

$ tar -xvf mytar.tar

Only myfile will be written to the filesystem

Yep, apparently its "by design" :(

It causes us pain regularly so we would like this fairly
recent change reverted so behaviour is once again predicatable
and it doesnt break simple takess like extracting archive.

Yes, yes.  The pain.  The pain.  Danger Will Robinson!

There really is not much point in rehashing this again under a different

If you or anyone would like to offer patches which change the behavior
while keeping everyone happy about .exe handling please do so.

Isn't the commit which changed the behaviour stored so where,
as this has worked fine in the past, so in theory it could be
just applied in reverse?


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