On Jul  7 05:05, Steven Hartland wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Hartland"
> >We're updating our servers to a newer version of cygwin (1.7.15)
> >from previous 1.7 version and in this version the install of
> >cygrunsrv (V1.40, Apr 25 2012) fails to correctly prompt for
> >a user password even though -u <username> is being specified.
> >
> >It seems like cygrunsrv maybe checking for an "interactive"
> >session and incorrectly determining its not as in our case
> >we are running the cygrunsrv via ssh e.g.
> >
> >ssh "cygrunsrv ...."
> >
> >We know that this worked correctly in cygrunsrv V1.34, Mar 18
> >2008.
> >
> >Bug introduced recently?
> After inspecting the code for cygrunsrv and adding some debug
> I've determined this isn't a bug in the util but in cygwin's
> getpass function which I believe may have been changed
> recently by Corinna Vinschen, after googling around.
> Is this a new issue caused by these changes Corinna?
Looks like it.  The code doesn't notice if stdin is not connected to a
tty or pty, but to a socket instead and then falls back to returning
with an empty password immediately.  I'll fix that in CVS.

For the time being, the workaround is to run `ssh -t ...'


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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