I have some updates and successes.

First, I do see the forwarded ports with netstat -aon in a windows command prompt:
  TCP    [::1]:2525             [::]:0 LISTENING       388
  TCP    [::1]:9933             [::]:0 LISTENING       388
I may have missed them because I didn't look at the ::1 addresses or because the destination host and port is oddly blank.

From within a cygwin terminal I did
 openssl s_client -connect localhost:9933
which showed me the certificate of the mail server I was trying to reach.

Finally, when I switched thunderbird to use localhost at port 9933 (with connection security set to SSL/TLS) it did make contact. As René indicated, T-bird complained about the certificate (which has also expired). Then I ran into what seems like a T-bird bug: every time I hit "accept certificate" it brought the same dialogue asking for confirmation up. Eventually I closed it by hitting the red x on the window (though it took a couple of tries). It seems to be working. Even if it's not, it seems clear the port forwarding is working.

I'm not sure why it didn't work the first time.

Thanks to René, Andrey, and Karl for their help.


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