On 6/15/2012 3:18 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:

`mkpasswd` and `mkpasswd -l -U0-20000' produce the same output (neither
includes the SMB user); the drive is mapped in Windows as z: and I can
also access it directly from the cygwin prompt.

No, there was a message from Corinna that showed the correct use (I only used it, and was impressed):


same for SAMBA/CIFS, /usr/lib/smb.conf :

guest account = nobody

Just to be clear, that's supposed to be on my cygwin (guest) side? I
thought that file controlled the server's behavior... and I don't have
admin rights on the server side.

No.  smb.conf is the Samba configuration file, in the server.
René Berber

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