On 6/9/2012 9:57 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

and I'm really
not willing to burden cygwin.com with the cycles necessary to unpack
tarballs at cygwin.com to sign them.

Based on the traffic I see to cygwin-apps, my sense is that this would amount to single-digit CPU-minutes per day, once you get through the initial conversion. That can be nice'd to the point that it takes a month; this doesn't have to be a Big Bang conversion.

I think a much bigger problem is getting a Linux toolchain set up on the main package repo server that can sign these executables. My Google-fu says the GNU tools have no idea how to do this today.

Then someone has to spend at least a few hours writing and testing the script to do all this. It might take a person-day.

Red Hat might not have to buy a code signing cert for this. They might already have one that will work: http://goo.gl/5Hm3C

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