On Sat, Jun 09, 2012 at 01:04:37PM +0200, V?clav Zeman wrote:
>On 06/08/2012 08:46 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 02:15:27PM -0400, Milton Quinteros S. wrote:
>>>Would you consider the possibility to subscribe to the Comodo Trusted
>>>Software Vendor list
>>>(http://internetsecurity.comodo.com/trustedvendor/signup.php), and sign
>>>every executable?  It would be so useful for Comodo Firewall users.
>>>Best regards.
>>>Milton Quinteros Salas
>>1) Wrong mailing list.
>>2) Do you have any idea how many executables are in the release?  No.
>Well, that part sounds like it could be automated.

I obviously know how to automate things.  I also know that the Cygwin
release doesn't all come from one place and package maintainers don't
use just one way to produce packages.  So, any automation would be

You could theoretically push the burden onto cygwin.com itself but that
would be a big change to the way that we do things now and I'm really
not willing to burden cygwin.com with the cycles necessary to unpack
tarballs at cygwin.com to sign them.


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