Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] <BBuchbinder <at> niaid.nih.gov> writes:
> # Only set ThisTerm if not set.
> if [ -z "${ThisTerm}" ]
> then
>   if [ ${PPID} = 1 ]
>   then
>     ThisTerm=cmd
>   else
>     if [ "$(cat /proc/${PPID}/exename)" = '/usr/bin/mintty' ]
>     then
>       ThisTerm=mintty
>     else
>       # not minty, not cmd, so xterm
>       ThisTerm=xterm
>     fi
>   fi
> fi
> Then set colors by the value of ThisTerm.

Barry, it works flawlessly.  Thanks immensely!

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