On 5/24/2012 8:32 AM, Berglund Magnus (SE) wrote:
After an cygwin-upgrade this morning I'm experiencing performance problems with 
emacs-X11 (23.4.2). The performance problem seem to be graphics related. Window 
redraw is really slow, it can take up to a couple of seconds to redraw the 
emacs window. Scrolling the cursor up or down in emacs is also painfully slow. 
Some other X programs I've tried does not seem to be affected. xemacs works 
just fine.

I've tried a fresh cygwin install on a clean (vmware) machine running Windows 
XP. Still the same problem.
I also tried downgrading both emacs (23.3-3) and xorg-server(1.12.0-5) without 
luck. There was a bunch of other packages upgrade at the same time, I've 
included the part of the setup.log which installed the packages that introduced 
the performance problem.

I've noticed the same thing on my XP system but not on Windows 7. There have been similar reports from two other users, but they didn't say what version of Windows they were using:


I'm afraid I don't have a clue what could be causing this or why it apparently only occurs on XP.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's emacs maintainer

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