On May 23 09:06, marco atzeri wrote:
> using
> $ nm --version
> GNU nm (GNU Binutils)
> I see on an npi (libmpi.dll.a) library
> d002278.o:
> 00000000 i .idata$4
> 00000000 i .idata$5
> 00000000 i .idata$6
> 00000000 i .idata$7
> 00000000 t .text
>          U __head_cygmpi_1_dll
> 00000000 I __imp__ompi_mpi_comm_world
> 00000000 I __nm__ompi_mpi_comm_world
> but there is no "I" on the nm manual :
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> "i" For PE format files this indicates that the symbol is in a
>     section specific to the implementation of DLLs.  For ELF format
>     files this indicates that the symbol is an indirect function.
>     This is a GNU extension to the standard set of ELF symbol
>     types.  It indicates a symbol which if referenced by a
>     relocation does not evaluate to its address, but instead must
>     be invoked at runtime.  The runtime execution will then return
>     the value to be used in the relocation.
> "N" The symbol is a debugging symbol.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> what is "I" for ?

Import?  Indirection?  Maybe you should ask on the binutils list,
they might be interested to fix the man page.


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