On Thu, 07 Nov 2002 12:23:14 -0300 Nelson Teixeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First Michael, thnx for your (quick) answer! :)
> Well in my case (win2k pro) the ansi escape sequences are shown as 
> is i.e.
> ?[01;34mMy Games?[0m                    ?[01;34mresin-2.1.2?[0m
> ?[01;34mMy Music?[0m                   
> ?[01;32mshutdown-tomcat-apache.bat?[0m
> ?[0mN2PActiveX.log?[0m              ?[01;32mstartapache.bat?[0m
> ?[0mN2pInst.log?[0m                 ?[01;32mstarttomcat.bat?[0m
>    Besides, as u gave me the first positive answer since I began to search, 
> and I now I know it is possible, I will recheck my instalation and do some 
> more tests. I have extensively search FAQs, docs and google and found 
> nothing about it.
>    If I am unsucessful IŽll write again.

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