On May 21 17:26, Alessandro Raniolo wrote:
> 'm experiencing this issue when I run this simple testcase:
> just run the command 
> c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -c "/bin/mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd"
> it produces: 
> [...]
>   261 [main] bash 6636 exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
>  1237 [main] bash 6636 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to 
> bash.exe.stackdump

I can easily reproduce it even calling just /bin/echo and even under
strace using a command like this from CMD:

  C:\cygwin\bin\strace -o bash.trace -o bash.trace \
    c:\cygwin\bin\bash -c "/bin/echo hello > /etc/foo"

It's weird.  On my machine it only occurs when redirecting echo's stdout
to a file, and *only* if redirected to some arbitrary file under /etc.
For instance, echo > /usr/foo works fine, only /etc/foo crashes.

The crash occurs after echo exited, so bash wakes up from the wait4
call.  However, the problem is that the crash does not occur in Cygwin,
but in bash itself.

  147  350775 [main] bash 3548 wait4: 2320 = wait4(-1, 0x0, 0, 0x0)
  --- Process 3548, exception C0000005 at 00422B0A

Eric, can you reproduce this and see where it happens?  I'm pretty sure
it's a bug in Cygwin, not in bash, but it would be interesting to learn
what bash did at the time the crash happened.


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