I don't know if this will resolve your problem, but I deal with long
pathnames (as a prompt) by using the following function (I set it up
as a function so that I can keep changing the prompt as I move

function set_prompt
    if [ `pwd | sed "s|${HOME}|~|" | wc -c` -gt 15 -a \
         "/`pwd | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)\"/\"$NF}'`" != "`pwd` " ]
        PS1=${HOSTNAME}:.../`pwd | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)"/"$NF}'`'->'
        PS1=${HOSTNAME}:`pwd | sed "s|${HOME}|~|"`'->'

Pretty much it just looks at the pathname and, if it's longer than 15
characters, shortens it down to "..." and two levels.  if the
directory includes my home directory, then that is shortened to "~".

The syntax is bash.



On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Nellis, Kenneth
<kenneth.nel...@acs-inc.com> wrote:
> With X-Windows, one can independently set the titles of the terminal
> window and the window's icon.
> to set window title: ESC ] 2 ; <title> ^G
> to set icon title:   ESC ] 1 ; <title> ^G
> Analogously, it would be nice if Mintty would allow me to independently
> set the titles of the window and the associated taskbar button.
> I set my window title to $PWD, but this is typically too long for
> the taskbar button, so I'd like to be able to separately set it
> to ${PWD##*/}.
> --Ken Nellis
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