On May  3 09:41, Fedin Pavel wrote:
>  Supplying prefix=/ to configure script causes it to lock up. It
> doesn't output any single line, just freezes. Even Ctrl-C doesn't
> help.
>  I know this is maybe unusual, but i really know why i want to do
> it. And, in fact, this is a legitimate operation. So, i consider
> this to be a bug.
Yes, that's a bug in autoconf.  It doesn't fully respect POSIX pathname
rules.  What happens is that it simply attaches pathnames with a leading
slash to the prefix, for instance:


Now, if prefix is /usr, everything's ok:


but if prefix -s just /:


Double slashes on Cygwin prefix a network path "//server/share", just
as in the UNC name convention.  This is valid per POSIX, see

  4.12 Pathname Resolution
  A pathname consisting of a single <slash> shall resolve to the root
  directory of the process. [...]
  A pathname that begins with two successive <slash> characters may be
  interpreted in an implementation-defined manner, although more than
  two leading <slash> characters shall be treated as a single <slash>

What you can try as a workaround is to use --prefix=''.  It should have
the expected result.


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