I've updated the version of the OpenSSL 0.9.8 libs to 0.9.8w-1.

This is an upstream security release.  The Cygwin release is build from
the vanilla sources.

Here's the official security advisory:

OpenSSL Security Advisory [24 Apr 2012]

ASN1 BIO incomplete fix (CVE-2012-2131)

It was discovered that the fix for CVE-2012-2110 released on 19 Apr
2012 was not sufficient to correct the issue for OpenSSL 0.9.8.

Please see http://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20120419.txt for details
of that vulnerability.

This issue only affects OpenSSL 0.9.8v.  OpenSSL 1.0.1a and 1.0.0i
already contain a patch sufficient to correct CVE-2012-2110.

Thanks to Red Hat for discovering and fixing this issue.

Affected users should upgrade to 0.9.8w.


URL for this Security Advisory:

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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