On 4/20/2012 7:07 AM, Václav Zeman wrote:
This is a Windows thing.

Another aspect of the Windows Thing which I have not seen discussed yet is the DLL load path: http://goo.gl/VA8yC

Since Windows looks for DLLs first in the *.exe directory, this is the most reliable place to put them.

Options 2-5 in the list at the page linked above don't really apply here. Cygwin purposely keeps itself nice and segregated from the rest of the system, so installing DLLs under c:\Windows isn't an option, and CWD is simply useless for our purpose here.

The only thing stopping us from using the final option in the article (i.e. putting cyg*.dll somewhere else in the PATH) is that it would put the DLLs off in the most fragile location allowed under the rules and it wouldn't solve the OP's problem anyway. The DLLs would still appear in file name completion lists, since that also searches the PATH.

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