On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 10:07:21AM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>On Mar 31 14:01, Thomas Wolff wrote:
>> Am 30.03.2012 13:33, schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
>> >...
>> >- Fix a bug in controlling tty handling when duplicating a console 
>> >descriptor.
>> Hi, when I read this, I wondered whether this bug could be fixed:
>> http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=513
>> but it isn't.
>> I had later found (and reported to cygwin-developers) that the
>> terminal response to terminal queries (like cursor position request
>> or device attribute request) is placed in the wrong buffer because
>> there are different objects (descriptors?) for stdin and stdout, so
>> the response would stay in Nirvana and never reach the application.
>> (And it used to work in CYGWIN=tty mode because curiously, in that
>> case, the console handles would have been shared for stdin and
>> stdout.)
>> Since you seem to have just looked at this area of the console code,
>> could you give it check?
>I cant't find your later mails on the subject in the cygwin-developers
>list archive, but I vaguley remember that this was discussed at one
>point and nobody had an idea how to implement it without turning the
>code upside down.  You're familiar with the fhandler_console code as
>well, so maybe you have an idea now how to implement this?

I don't see how we could accommodate this without switching the console
to "uncooked" mode.  And, as you say, that would have massive effects
on the console code.  I don't think it's worth that much change for such
a relatively unused feature.  Especially since it would make console I/O

That said, I think the bug should be closed WONT_FIX.


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