The Perl script below should give you a better error message. Just save it as ""; run it with "--help" for usage instructions. You need to run it under ActiveState Perl, not Cygwin Perl. (Unless Cygwin Perl includes the Win32API module, which I believe it does not.)
- Pat # Shut down a Windows workstation. use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Win32API::Registry qw(:Func :SE_); # Your usual option-processing sludge. my %opts; GetOptions (\%opts, 'help|h|?', 'message=s', 'halt', 'reboot', 'timeout=i') or pod2usage (2); (exists $opts{'help'}) and pod2usage ('-exitstatus' => 0, '-verbose' => 2); # Ensure no arguments after options @ARGV == 0 or pod2usage (2); (exists $opts{'halt'} != exists $opts{'reboot'}) or die "$0: You must specify exactly one of --halt or --reboot\n"; my $timeout = (exists $opts{'timeout'} ? $opts{'timeout'} : 10); my $reboot = exists $opts{'reboot'}; my $message = (exists $opts{'message'} ? $opts{'message'} : "$0 is shutting down the system"); # Enable "shutdown" privilege AllowPriv (SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, 1) or die "Unable to AllowPriv SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME: $^E"; InitiateSystemShutdown ('', $message, $timeout, 1, $reboot) or die "Unable to InitiateSystemShutdown: $^E"; print "Shutdown initiated.\n"; exit 0; __END__ =head1 NAME - Shut down a Windows system =head1 SYNOPSIS [ options ] =head1 OPTIONS --help Display help and exit --message=<msg> Display <msg> in message box during countdown --halt Shut down and halt --reboot Shut down and reboot --timeout=<secs> Wait <secs> seconds before shutdown (default 10) -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: