warum verweißt du ihn auf perl5.8?
ist es nicht wünschenswert, daß perl dateien im text-mode öffnet?
bzw. sie nur genau dann als binär behandelt, wenn man binmode() aufruft?
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Hallo Mikael,
Am Dienstag, 5. November 2002 um 14:41 schriebst du:
>I'm trying to port a framework of perl scripts to cygwin. I'm running
>cygwin 1.3.14 on WinXP. The problem is that perl seems to assume binmode
>whenever I read a file, but text mode when I write to one.
>The sample code below shows the problem.
>If I write a line to a file with a LF-only ending, perl (or cygwin)
adds a
>CR. When I later read the same line from the file the CR isn't removed.
>Is there some special option I need to set to make perl always assume
>mode unless I explicitly use the binmode command?
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>open(F, "> foobar.txt") || die "Cannot create foobar.txt";
>print F "Line1\n";
>print F "Line2\n";
>close F;
>open(F, "< foobar.txt") || die "Cannot open foobar.txt";
>while () {
> s/(.)/sprintf("%02x ", ord($1))/ges;
> print "$_\n";
>close F;
>exit 0;
Please consider to upgrade Perl to version 5.8,
click the 'Exp' radiobutton in setup.exe to load
down and install perl-5.8.0
Then you may play with the new PERLIO features,
please see: perldoc perlio for details.
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