nice idea, but how does he execute cygpath, if he doesn't know the cygwin-root? he is talking about a _batch_-script, not a shell script.>I have experienced many times situations which I would like to refer to >CYGWIN's root directory from a bat script. The most generic solution >would be to utilise an environment variable such as CYGROOT or (as in >startxwin.bat) CYGWIN_ROOT to refer to the absolute windows pathname >(e.g. D:\cygwin). This would free us from making assumptions if it was >setup during the installation utility. The environment variable should >be setup for system if installed for "All Users".`cygpath -w /`
there is only one solution, because even if you know cygwin's root-dir, yu cannot be sure to know cygwin's bin-dir - it could be mounted to a totally different directory.
i would recomm writing shell-scripts instead of batch-scripts.
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