On Mar 26 05:24, John Fairhall wrote:
> The pipe is definitely the problem.
> If I have this:
> bash mainScript.sh 2>&1
> bash mailBuild.sh %ERRORLEVEL% %LOGFILE%
> When I gimmick mainScript to exit with any non-zero value I get an ERRORLEVEL 
> of 255.
> However, when I do this:
> bash -o pipefail mainScript.sh 2>&1 | tee $LOGFILE bash mailBuild.sh 
> I always get a zero ERRORLEVEL.

Sure.  Consider that the pipe is not created by bash, but by cmd.  What
you get is the exitcode of the last command in the pipe, which is tee.

> When I try this:
> bash -o pipefail -c "mainScript.sh  2>&1 | tee %LOGFILE%"
> it errors with
> bash: mainScript.sh: command not found

Sure.  You're using the -c option, so you're trying to run mainScript.sh
as a command.  I assume mainScript.sh is in the current working
directory.  And the current working directory is not in $PATH.  And it
shouldn't.  Either use ./mainScript.sh or, better, the full path to
mainScript.sh since that makes you independent of your CWD.


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