After further investigation, I see that the error is triggered by
using backticks, either to call /bin/file or perl itself.

Jeremy Hetzler

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Jeremy Hetzler <> wrote:
> All,
> I am getting the following errors midway through a perl script:
>       1 [main] perl 3476 child_copy: loaded dll data write copy
> failed, 0x6D5A3000..0x6D5A33E0, done 0, windows pid 3544, Win32 error
> 487
> 5064348 [main] perl 3476 child_copy: loaded dll data write copy
> failed, 0x6D5A3000..0x6D5A33E0, done 0, windows pid 3544, Win32 error
> 487
> 10128557 [main] perl 3476 child_copy: loaded dll data write copy
> failed, 0x6D5A3000..0x6D5A33E0, done 0, windows pid 3544, Win32 error
> 487
> 15192696 [main] perl 3476 child_copy: loaded dll data write copy
> failed, 0x6D5A3000..0x6D5A33E0, done 0, windows pid 3544, Win32 error
> 487
> 20256239 [main] perl 3476 child_copy: loaded dll data write copy
> failed, 0x6D5A3000..0x6D5A33E0, done 0, windows pid 3544, Win32 error
> 487
> [...]
> After some googling, I ran rebaseall and perlrebase, and rebooted.
> That didn't help; I'm still getting these errors.
> What can I do? Cygcheck output attached.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Hetzler

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