On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 02:05:13PM -0000, James Johnston wrote:
>You're partially correct, depending on how you look at it...  As I wrote
>earlier, I reproduced it with a straight Win32 program, too - by doing a
>null write that every C# program would do.  So I guess it's not specific to
>C#, since C++ programs can cause it too.  But every C# program would
>normally do this activity since the runtime always does the null write - so
>in that sense, I guess it is somewhat specific to C#. 
>Thanks all, good to know it should be fixed. :)

I'm not sure why you have translated "I am dubious that this has anything to
do with redirecting..." into "good to know that it should be fixed".

The problem with a windows pipe at the command prompt does not translate
to a C# (or C++ or Pascal) program running under (presumably) mintty.

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