On 3/11/2012 3:19 PM, Jack Profit wrote:
After upgrading my cygwin environment this morning to version
1.7.11-1, I am no longer able to use cygwin bash as a shell within
native GnuEmacs (Windows).

When I invoke M-x shell, I now get the following output in the shell window:

bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

The shell window is functional, but as the error message suggests, I
have no Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Z or other job control functions.

Here are my shell related .emacs settings:
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "c:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe")

I am using:
GnuEmacs version 23.4.1 (latest)
Bash version 4.1.10-4
also Bash version 3.2.51-24 (removes error message, but job control
still doesn't work)

I also tried the cygwin1.dll from the 3/10 snapshot and saw no
difference in behavior.

I doubt if the Cygwin developers are going to be able to track this down unless you can find a way to reproduce the problem without using native emacs. Can you look into the emacs source for the native build and see how it is creating the bash process? Maybe you can extract a simple test case from it.


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